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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 29, 2021

Clarify meaning of column on left

There are three groups of lozenges with fields names like Project and SKU: Top, year-month-date under that, and left. 1. The following is not clear from the GUI: The lozenges are top are "in waiting" for selection. On the left are fields that are in use. 2. Also not clear from the GUI: The fields on column on the left are both SELECT and WHERE , in SQL terms. These are fields that are shown, but also fields that provide a filter. And it is not clear that where we have multiple lozenges with filters, it is an OR filter, not an AND filter. Clarify this with labels, maybe in the background, stating that these filters are OR-ed (maybe only show that if in fact more than one lozenge has a filter). 2. The meaning of the colors of the lozenges is not clear. 3. Maybe give a lozenge a different style (for example, color) if it holds a filter and if the filter is Exclude.
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